A Chef’s Tale...
Starting with a young boy around the age of 10 whose Christmas wish list to Santa did not include the usual G.I. Joe or BMX Bike, but instead an easy bake oven and pots and pans. Over 25 years later and a career spanning both ends of the country working with an for the finest chefs in the world Executive Chef William’s journey has just begun.
With a two year culinary degree earned from The Institute of the Arts in Philadelphia followed by a two year apprenticeship at Disney World. Chef William worked his way up through the ranks to his first head chef position at Martine’s Fine Food and Spirits in New Hope, Pennsylvania From there his recognition brought him to Executive Chef at Meson de Mesilla a gourmet restaurant and bed and breakfast in Las Cruces, New Mexico. After several accomplished years his career took him to Las Vegas, Nevada where he was Executive Sous Chef for the award winning restaurant Mon Abi Gabi opening the Paris Hotel. While working under the direction of World Renowned Chefs Gabino Sotelino and Jean Joho. Later he was lured away by the newly opened Lake Las Vegas Resort to work as Chef de Cuisine under world renowned Master Chef William Becker. After tiring of the frantic pace Chef William returned to the southwest to become Executive Chef at Camino Real, El Paso’s Finest Hotel.
Now residing in the Metroplex, Executive Chef William Keller has brought culinary excellence and World Class Cuisine to Baylor All Saints, Penthouse Magazine, and private catering throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth area, as well as consulting and menu development for numerous upstart restaurants.
Starting with a young boy around the age of 10 whose Christmas wish list to Santa did not include the usual G.I. Joe or BMX Bike, but instead an easy bake oven and pots and pans. Over 25 years later and a career spanning both ends of the country working with an for the finest chefs in the world Executive Chef William’s journey has just begun.
With a two year culinary degree earned from The Institute of the Arts in Philadelphia followed by a two year apprenticeship at Disney World. Chef William worked his way up through the ranks to his first head chef position at Martine’s Fine Food and Spirits in New Hope, Pennsylvania From there his recognition brought him to Executive Chef at Meson de Mesilla a gourmet restaurant and bed and breakfast in Las Cruces, New Mexico. After several accomplished years his career took him to Las Vegas, Nevada where he was Executive Sous Chef for the award winning restaurant Mon Abi Gabi opening the Paris Hotel. While working under the direction of World Renowned Chefs Gabino Sotelino and Jean Joho. Later he was lured away by the newly opened Lake Las Vegas Resort to work as Chef de Cuisine under world renowned Master Chef William Becker. After tiring of the frantic pace Chef William returned to the southwest to become Executive Chef at Camino Real, El Paso’s Finest Hotel.
Now residing in the Metroplex, Executive Chef William Keller has brought culinary excellence and World Class Cuisine to Baylor All Saints, Penthouse Magazine, and private catering throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth area, as well as consulting and menu development for numerous upstart restaurants.
Chef William has been
featured at the Celebrity Chef Stage at the State Fair of Texas and the Taste
Tavern during the Taste of Dallas. He
has had numerous write ups in local publications including D Magazine.
During his career Chef
William has prepared meals and banquets for such celebrity guests
as Steven Tyler, Celine Dion, David Spade, Mike Tyson, David Copperfield, and
Howard Stern. TV Celebrity Chef Emeril Lagasse was guest chef in Chef William’s Kitchen for a three
day event in Las Vegas. Chef William has also taught numerous cooking
classes and appeared regularly on his own cooking show on El Paso’s NBC Channel
For Complete resume, references, and information please contact
Chef William Keller at loveandcooking@yahoo.com
For Complete resume, references, and information please contact
Chef William Keller at loveandcooking@yahoo.com